© 2003 Shure Incorporated DFR22 Software Guide 18
Signal Flow Configuration
3) Output Gain
This is the final stage of gain control in the Audio Processor. Double-click on any output gain block to open the
“Output Gain” processor window. It provides output sensitivity, gain, polarity control, and an optional 12 dB and
18 dB pad for each channel. This window also allows you to specify custom names for your output channel
strips. After the output gain processor the signal passes through the D/A converter, then through the analog
pads (if engaged), to the audio output.
4) Signal Routing Connection
This can be created in the signal flow diagram by clicking and dragging between mix points, by clicking on an
input selector directly to the left of the MIX block, or by opening the “Matrix Mixer” window and selecting the
input. For more information see the Signal Routing section on page 19.
Muting Channels
There are several ways to mute the input and output channels of the Audio Processor. Muted channels are flagged
in the signal flow diagram, as illustrated in the following table.
Muting all Inputs or Outputs
Click either the Mute All Inputs or Mute All Outputs control located on the status bar of the
main window.
• Select either the [Processor>Mute All Inputs] or the [Processor>Mute All Outputs] menu option.
• Power off the device to automatically mute all outputs.
Muting Individual Channels
1. Open the “Input Gain,” “Matrix Mixer,” “Crossover,” or “Output Gain” window by double-clicking the appro-
priate processor block.
2. Click the mute button for the appropriate channel.
3. The block will be flagged with a red “M” to indicate that it is muted.
Labeling Inputs and Outputs
Inputs and outputs are untitled when you create a new preset, but they are easily changed using the “Input Gain”
and/or “Output Gain” windows. Channel labels are saved along with the preset, so you can customize input and
output labels for every preset.
To change a channel label:
1. Double-click on the channel's gain block.
2. In the processor window, locate the channel's label box.
3. Click and drag over the text to highlight it.
Gain Block
Inputs to
Matrix Mixer
Crossover Output
Inputs and Outputs Muted