Message Generated By
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC
Doc. No. 10654-001, Rev 4.10
File name contains illegal characters File | Export
Directory path does not exist File | Export
Error in directory path or file name File | Export
File error File | Export
Error reading Gain file. File | Load Gain
some value in the Gain file is greater than
maximum allowed value of 2. Load Gain Aborted.
File | Load Gain
Some value in the Gain file is less than 0. Load
Gain Aborted.
File | Load Gain
Error writing Gain file. File | Save Gain
Some value in the Gain frame is 0. Generate Gain
File | Generate
Some value in the Gain frame is greater than
maximum allowed value of 2. Generate Gain
File | Generate
Check Data Logging Path. logging
Check Results Logging Path. logging
Check Export Logging Path. logging
Resetting Statistics to zero. statistics
Insufficient memory to compute aperture. results
Error Writing Configuration. File | Save Config
Error in configuration path or file name. File | Save Config
File | Restore
Frame %d contains no data. Save aborted File | Save As
The following error messages will always appear on the display and may disrupt GPIB