Sound Forge processes
The remainder of this chapter describes the functions located in the Process menu.
Auto Trim/Crop
Auto Trim/Crop removes silence from an audio file. In addition, this function automatically fades the endpoints of a phrase.
Using Auto Trim/Crop
Open the Voiceover.pca file.
From the Process menu, choose Auto Trim/Crop. The Auto Trim/Crop dialog is displayed.
From the Preset drop-down list, choose Phrase Concatenator 1 and click OK. The Auto Trim/Crop function deletes silence in the
file and creates new regions based on the preset’s parameters. For more information, see Auto Trim/Crop controls on page 175.
Auto Trim/Crop controls
The following controls are located in the Auto Trim/Crop dialog.
Control Description
Function This drop-down list contains five modes:
• Keep edges outside of the selection Removes silence within the selection, but retains all data outside of
the selection.
• Remove edges outside of the selection Removes silence within the selection and deletes all data beyond
the selection.
• Remove silence between phrases (creates regions) Removes silence within the selection and creates
regions from individual phrases. For more information, see Minimum inter-phrase silence on page 176.
• Remove data beyond loop points Removes all data beyond the selected loop. For more information, see
Minimum length following loop end on page 176.
• Remove data from start and limit file length Allows you to specify an amount of sound to be deleted from
the beginning of each file and specify a maximum length for converted files. If a file is longer than this
length, it is trimmed. This preset is useful for creating sample clips.
Attack threshold Determines the threshold level for detection of the trim/crop start point: -Inf. indicates complete silence, and
0 dB indicates maximum amplitude level.
Release threshold Determines the threshold level for detection of the trim/crop end point: -Inf. indicates complete silence, and
0 dB indicates maximum amplitude level.
Fade in Determines the length (in milliseconds) of the fade applied to a section of audio prior to the detected trim/
crop start point.
Fade out Determines the length (in milliseconds) of the fade applied to a section of audio following the detected trim/
crop end point.