
Nondestructive Editing
This type of editing involves a pointer-based system of keeping track of edits. When you delete a section of audio in a nondestructive
system, the audio on disk is not actually deleted. Instead, a set of pointers is established to tell the program to skip the deleted section
during playback.
Refers to raising the volume so that the highest level sample in the file reaches a user-defined level. Use normalization to make sure you
are using all of the dynamic range available to you.
Nyquist Frequency
The Nyquist Frequency (or Nyquist Rate) is one half of the sample rate and represents the highest frequency that can be recorded using
the sample rate without aliasing. For example, the Nyquist Frequency of 44,100 Hz is 22,050 Hz. Any frequencies higher than 22,050 Hz
will produce aliasing distortion in the sample if no anti-aliasing filter is used while recording.
Object Linking and Embedding (OLE)
OLE is a technology developed by Microsoft to allow independent applications to behave as though they are tightly integrated. This
allows objects such as Sound Forge audio files to be integrated into other applications such as a Microsoft Word document.
The Overview is the area on the data window directly under the title bar. The entire length of the overview represents the entire sound
file. Cursor, selection, and position information is shown relative to the entire length of the sound file.
One-shots are RAM-based audio clips that are not designed to loop. Things such as cymbal crashes and sound bites could be considered
one-shots. Longer files can be treated as one-shots if your computer has sufficient memory.
To place a mono or stereo sound source perceptually between two or more speakers.
Pause Time
Pause time is the space between CD tracks. This space may contain silence — as in a standard commercially produced CD — or can
contain audio — as in a live performance captured on CD.
The Red Book standard calls for two seconds of pause time, but you can edit the default pause time on the CD Settings tab of the
Preferences dialog.
Peak Data File
The file created by Sound Forge software when a file is opened for the first time. This file stores the information regarding the graphic
display of the waveform so that opening a file is almost instantaneous. This file is stored in the directory where the audio file resides and
has an .sfk extension. If this file is not in the same directory as the audio file or is deleted, it will be recalculated the next time you open
the file.
Pixel Aspect
The pixel aspect determines whether the pixels are square (1.0) which refers to computers, or rectangular (settings other than 1.000)
which typically refers to televisions. The pixel aspect ratio is unrelated to the frame’s aspect ratio.
The Playlist is a list of regions set to play in a specific order. The Playlist allows for nondestructive editing and rearranging of a sound file
quickly and easily. Multiple versions of the playlist can be saved in an external playlist file for easy comparison.