
To reduce tile risk ol tire or electric shock, do not expose this apparatus to
rain or ii]oistule.
This symbol is inlended to alert the u_r to tile presence
of uninsulated "dangerous voltage" within the
product's enclosure that may be of sufficient
magnitude to constitule a risk of eleclric shock lo
This symbol is intended to alert the u_r 1otile presence
of impoltant operating and mainlenance (selvicing)
instructions in the lileralure accompanying the
Tile apparatus shall nol be exposed to dripping or splashing and no ohjecls
filled with liquids, such as vases, shall be placed on the apparatus.
To pl'e_ent electric shock, do not use this polarized AC phlg with an
extension cord, recvptacle or other outlet unless tile hlades can be fiflly
inserted to prevent blade exposure.
Note on Caption Vision
This TV pro_ ides display ol TV closed captioning ill accordance wilh
§15.119 of tile FCC rules.
This equipnlent has been tested and lound to comply with tile limits lot a
Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 ol tile FCC Rules. These limits
am designed to provide reasonable prolection against harnlfifl inlerl)mnce
illa msidenlial instzdlalion. This equipnlenl generates, uses and can radiate
radio flequency energy and, ifnol installed and used inaccordance with the
Jnstrucliolls_ may cause harnlllll interlcrcncc to radio colnlnunicaih)ns.
However, there is no guarantee that interlcmnce will nol occur in a
particular inslallation. If this equipment does cause harmhd interllrmnce 1o
radio or televiskm reception, which can be detemlined by turning the
equipment off and on, tile user is encouraged to try 1ocorrecl file
interlPrcnce by one or more of the fi)llowing measures:
[] Reorienl or mlocale tile receiving antenna.
[] Incm_se tile separatkm belween tile equipment and receiver.
[] Connecl tile equipment inlo an outlel on a circuil dillerenl fl'om thai
1o which tile receiver is connected.
[] Consull lhe dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician k)r help.
Pcrsuant 1oFCC regulations, you arc cautioned thai any changes or
modifications not expressly approved ill lhis nlanual coukl void your
authorily lo operale this equipment.
[] Opel'ale tile TV only on 120 V AC.
[] The plug is designed, fi)r salety purposes, lo fil into tile wall outlet
only one way. If you are unable to insert lhe plug hdly inlo tile outlet,
conlact your dealer.
[] If ally liquid or solid object should l,dl inside file cabineL unplug tile
TV inmlediately and have il checked by qualified service personnel
belorc operaling il fimher.
[] If you will not be using tile TV lot _veral days, disconnect lhe power
by pulling the plug i(selE Never pull on the coM.
[] For details concerning salPty precautions, see "hnportanl Sal_ly
lnslrtlclions" on page 5.
[] Tile TV should be inslalled near an easily accessible power outlet.
[] To prcvenl internal heat buildup, do not block tile _enlilalion
[] Do not install tile TV in ahot or humid place, or in a place subject to
excessive dust or mechanical vibration.
[] Avoid operating tile TV at lelnperaturcs below 41°F (5°C).
[] If tile TV is transported directly flom a cold to a warm location, or if
tile roonl tenlperalure changes suddenly, tile picture lnay be blurred
or show poor color due to lllOislurc condensation. In Ihis cgise_ please
wait a lew hours to ]el lhe nloisl/ire evaporale befiwe lurning on tile
[] To obtain file besl picture, do nol expo_ the screen to direct
ilhmlinalion or direct sunlight. 11isrecommended to use spot lighting
directed down hom tile ceiling or to cover tile windows thai lace tile
screen with opaque drapery, fi is desirable to install tile TV in a roonl
where file floor and walls are not of a reflective nlateriah
[] See pages 13 and 14lor nlore infi)rmalion on tile installation.
Use tile lollowing Sony appliance(s) only with tile fi)llowing TV STAND.
KI)F-42E2(XX) KI)F-46E2(XRl
Use with other TV STAND may cause instability and possibly resul( ill
To Customers
Sufl]cient expertise isrequired lot installing tile specilied producL Be sure
tO s/ibc,.)ntritct tile instldhltion to Solly dealers or licensed contractors lind
pay adequale atlenlion to salcty during lhe installation.