Punching-in and crossfading events
You can insert events into the middle of (on top of) existing events without altering the timing of the project. When the inserted
event ends, the original event continues playing as if it had never stopped.
You can choose the duration of crossfades for punched-in audio events.
From the Options menu, choose Preferences. The Preferences dialog appears.
Click the Editing tab.
Select Quick fade length of audio events. Specify a duration for each transition.
Events that have previously been inserted or punched-in are not affected by this change. The concept of punching in and out only
applies when you are inserting an event that is shorter than the event that it is being inserted into. In the following illustration,
every frame is numbered so that you can see how the original event continues after the inserted event ends, as if it continued to
play underneath the original.
Duplicating events
Duplicating is a combination of copying and pasting in one action. The process moves the event to a new position while leaving a
copy behind.
Press Ctrl.
Drag the event you want to duplicate to the place where you want the new event to be positioned.
Trimming events
This section describes simple ways to trim events.
You can apply a ripple edit after trimming an event. For more information, see the online help. From the Help menu, choose
Contents and Index.
Trimming an event
During the trimming process for a video event, the last thumbnail image on the event and the Video Preview window show the last
frame in the event, allowing you to edit events very accurately.
Move the cursor over the edge of the event. The cursor changes when properly positioned (
Drag the edge of the event to trim it.
Since a multimedia file often has both a video and an audio component, both events are trimmed (or extended) as a group unless
you ungroup them or temporarily suspend grouping by clicking the Ignore Event Grouping button ( ).
grouped events at
the same time
36 | CHAPTER 3