
Navigating to markers
You can jump the cursor to any marker on the timeline by clicking the marker. You can also jump to a marker by pressing the
number keys along the top of the keyboard (not the numeric keypad).
Jump the cursor to the next or previous marker by pressing Ctrl+Right Arrow or Ctrl+Left Arrow.
Deleting markers
Place the mouse pointer on the marker that you want to delete. The pointer changes to a hand ( ).
Right-click to display a shortcut menu.
From the shortcut menu, choose Delete. The marker is removed from your project.
The tags are not renumbered as you remove them. For example, if you have five markers in your project and delete markers 3 and 4,
the remaining markers will be listed as 1, 2 and 5. However, as you add markers again, Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum software
begins numbering the missing sequence first, in this case 3 and 4, then 6, 7, and 8.
Deleting all markers and regions
Right-click the marker bar.
From the shortcut menu, choose Markers/Regions, and choose Delete All from the submenu.
Working with regions
Regions identify ranges of time and provide a way to subdivide your project. A region is defined as the area between two region
markers that share the same number. Regions can function as semi-permanent time selections. You can view region information in
the Explorer by clicking the arrow next to the View button ( ) and selecting Region View.
Inserting regions
Make a time selection. For more information, see Selecting a time range on page 31.
From the Insert menu, choose Region, or press R.
Type a name for the region and press Enter. If you do not want to name the region, simply press Enter.
Region markers appear at the beginning and end points of a time selection.
Region start Region end
Right-click the marker bar
Marker bar
Moving regions
Drag a region marker to reposition it. To move both region markers (start and end markers) at once, hold Alt while dragging a
region marker.