
4 DTRS Machines – Care and Us e
SDDS Print Master Guidelines, Page 12 of 26
Note that there i s no difference i n line up pr ocedur e between the T as cam DA-88 and
the S ony PCM-800. Both machines use the s ame S ony Hi-8 transport, and both
machines are manufactur ed by T EAC.
Check the head hour s regularly (see bel ow) . Every 250 hours the uni t should be
cleaned manually and the tape path alignment checked. This should be per for med by
an experienced engi neer with the correct tool s and tes t tapes. Every 1000 hours the
machine s houl d be fully aligned wi th probable r epl acement of the pi nch roller and r eel
tables and the possible r eplacement of the heads . Real world ex per i ence has shown
that the heads last for between 750 and 1200 hours.
T he error rate of a k nown good tape s houl d be checked r egul ar l y (see bel ow – if the
error LED lights it’s far too late!). When the error rate begi ns to r i s e, a cl eani ng tape
should be us ed and then the errors checked agai n. If there is no impr ovement, the
machine s houl d be cl eaned manually and r e-aligned. Note that each pass of the
cleaning tape will reduce the head life by appr oxi matel y 5 to 10 hours. Manual cleaning
does not reduce head life, but there is a danger that the head will be damaged ( tur n
anti-clockwise onl y) and als o the s tr ong possibility that the tape path alignment will be
altered. It is therefore al ways advisable to check the alignment after manual cleaning.
Head hour display
T o invoke the head hour display, hold S T OP+ PL AY whilst powering on. The di s pl ay will
say “d XXXX” wher e XXXX is the total head hour s
Error rate dis play
Hold FF+STOP+PLAY and power on. Within 2 seconds press STOP (for DA88) or PLAY
(for PCM-800). T he dis pl ay says “test”. Press REMOTE. Meters 1 and 2 now show head
errors in play mode. A “tes t” tape wi th a t one s houl d be made when the heads are
new. The s tate of the head and alignment can then be moni tor ed us i ng this tape.
Newly recorded tapes should al s o be checked for error rate per i odically. An “in-spec”
machine will not show anything on the meter s .
T ape get s stuck inside
If errors occur , sometimes the machine won’t eject, for “safety” reasons. To ej ect,
enter test mode as above. Instead of pressing REMOT E, press EJECT. The tape will
now ej ect. Next turn off the machi ne and back on to exit test mode. If the tape is
damaged, do not continue to use the machine!