
2 Notes, Hints and T ips
SDDS Print Master Guidelines, Page 8 of 26
in the dubbi ng theatr e and di gi tal audio is used when the negati ve is made. Extra car e
must be taken.
If NT SC v i deo sync is used i n the dubbi ng theatr e, it is very important that the
master tapes are pr e- s tr iped with 30 non-drop fr ame ti mecode at 60Hz. T his will then
mean that the ti mecode tr ack, control track and A/D converter are all running at the
same s peed, second for second. 30 frames of code for 44100 samples and 24 frames
of picture. During r ecor ding of the mas ter , the machi ne mus t be “pulled down” us ing
the F s shift function. This has the effect of locking the A/D converter with the NT S C
29.97 fps video input. This means that the machine tr ans por t, the ti mecode and the
A/D converter will all run slow. 29.97 fps and 44.056kHz. The pr oj ector in this case will
be r unning at 23.96 fps. Therefore 24 frames of picture will still equal 44100 samples.
NEVER stripe at 29.97 NDF. The “s econds ” of the NDF code will be of longer duration
than the “s econds ” of the contr ol track. Therefore 44100 samples of audio will not
equal 30 frames of code and 24 frames of picture.
Obviously, if a 48kHz master is required, then similar rules appl y , but the r ecor ding
sampling fr equency would be 47.952kHz in this case.
Multi-format print masters
T he S DDS format has been carefully designed to enable i t to fit in well with other
digital audio pr int master sessions, as the monitor i ng s tandar ds are compati bl e. The
RMS pink noise at -20dBfs specification is the s ame as DTS and S R D, however some
small differences may be found wi th SRD due to his tor ical RMS measurement
techniques. This is currently being addr essed by Dolby and s hor tl y all formats will be
within 0.5dB. To s ave ti me at the s ession, the S DDS master can be taken as a par allel
feed and all masters can be r ecor ded at the s ame time. However it is very important
that the S DDS master is then played back with picture to check for errors.
Foreign language pr int masters
Normally the pr ocedur e i s to r ecor d the mas ter along wi th all other formats as above,
then, if time i s short, to us e the S DDS master to make the L tRt. This fold-down
process is not ideal for monitoring the mas ter , but allows the S DDS master to be
checked to s ome extent. Ideally a s epar at e playback pass should be made (cl ones can
be made at this time, perhaps).