54 VGX-XL3 Digital Living System
• Appreciated by All - A HDTV set is not necessary to see the difference
between an analog broadcast and a HD broadcast.
• Converting HD Content to DVD-Video - Media Center can back up
recorded TV HD content to DVD and make DVD-Video discs of your
recorded TV shows. If the show was originally broadcast in a 16:9
widescreen aspect ratio, Media Center will retain that ratio.
Disadvantages of Digital TV with Media Center
• You either get it or you don’t - If you live in an area that blocks the
broadcast signal, your DTV tuner may not be able to receive all or any
DTV ATSC stations.
• DVD-Video is not high definition - A common misconception is that
DVD-Video is high definition. It is not. When Media Center creates a DVD-
Video disc from HD television content, the resolution is automatically
lowered to analog television standards. The picture is still good, but not as
good as the original broadcast(s).
• Hard disc storage space - HD content takes up about twice as much hard
disc storage space as analog, standard definition content
Using MCE to Set Up Required Components
1 Start Media Center. The Media Center Setup Wizard appears. Select Next.