SPIRE III Series – Installation and Operating Instructions
Page 5-2
emerGency stop sWItcHes
Figure 5. Emergency Stop Switch near Operator Panel.
Four Emergency Stop, (also referred to as E-Stop)
Switches Switches are available on the Laminator.
The Emergency Stop Switches are located on all four
upper corners of the machine.
To engage the Emergency Stop Switch (A), press any
one down to stop the roller movement.
To disengage the Emergency Stop Switch, turn it
clockwise after the emergency condition has been
Figure 6. Emergency Stop Switch on back of the laminator.
autoGrIp and multI core
The 3 inch AUTOGRIP and Multi Core Shafts can
be used in all positions as supply or rewind shafts.
Rulers in inches and centimeters are incorporated
into each AUTOGRIP Shaft.
Figure 7. Upper Front Rewind and Upper Unwind Shafts.
a. upper Front reWInd sHaFt
The Upper Front Rewind Shaft is used to rewind
release liners or nished media.