SPIRE III Series – Installation and Operating Instructions
Page 5-4
Figure 10. Footswitch.
The Footswitch allows you to start and stop the
laminator while handling the item to be laminated.
Press the Footswitch to run the laminator and release
it to stop the laminator.
When the Footswitch is used and the Safety Sensor
is blocked, the speed of the laminator drops to 3 fpm
(0.9 mpm). When the Feed Table is raised, the rollers
will rotate if the Footswitch is pressed. The machine
will run at 3 fpm (0.9 mpm).
loWer sHaFts and Idler Bar
Figure 11. Lower Idler Bar and Shafts.
a. loWer reWInd sHaFt
The optional Lower Rear Rewind AUTOGRIP Shaft is
used to rewind release liners or nished media.
B. loWer multI core supply sHaFt
The Lower Multi Core Supply Shaft is used to hold
lm or media to be used for the job and to apply
brake tension.
c. loWer Idler Bar
The Lower Idler guides the lower lm or media onto
the Bottom Main Roller, ensuring a constant amount
of wrap is on the Bottom Main Roller.
multI core adaptors
Multi Core Adaptors grip the media supply tube. The
Multi Core Adaptors accommodate 2 through 3 inch
diameter cores.
Figure 12. Multi Core Adaptor on a Shaft.
The Multi Core Adaptors are secured to the shaft
with two hex head screws. Using an Allen wrench,
loosen the screws and slide the Multi Core Adaptor
along the shaft to accommodate the core, and then
tighten the screws.