pedometer mode
tIps For IncreasIng your daIly steps
Studies have shown that walking may contribute to your health. Some tips to help you
increase your daily step total:
• Walk to your office by getting off the bus earlier or park your car farther away from
your office.
• Establish a walking habit every day.
• Set a goal: e.g. specific distance or time per day.
How tHIs watcH guIdes you For acHIevIng your goal
This Watch includes advanced pedometer functions that not only count your walking steps,
but can also calculate the distance, speed, exercise time and calorie expenditure for your
walking or running. These unique pedometer features will guide you for achieving your goal.
example 1: Set a specific distance goal for every day: Start the pedometer when you start
walking (Stop the pedometer when you stop walking) each time, the daily record will display
the distance you have achieved towards your goal.
example 2: Set a daily time goal: Start the pedometer when you start walking (Stop the
pedometer when you stop walking) each time, the daily record will tell you the exercise time
you have achieved towards your goal.
operating the watch
operatIng tHe pedometer
In Pedometer/Exercise Mode:
1. press the s/s key to Start the Pedometer (or the Pedometer will start
automatically after 8 seconds). The watch will emit an audible beeping
note: the Pedometer Icon ( )will flash in the lower display line in all operating modes when the
pedometer is activated.
2. Scroll through Pedometer sub modes by pressIng the mode key in
Pedometer/Exercise mode.
3. To Stop the Pedometer, press the s/s key.
resettIng tHe pedometer
1. press & Hold the lap/reset (R) key to reset the Pedometer to zero (0).
Steps and other Pedometer data will be deleted. (Undeleted data will
automatically be saved to memory at 12:00 midnight.)
operating the watch
tIme oF day
/ steps
/ steps
/ steps
/ steps
exercIse tIme
/ steps
start: s/s
stop s/s
reset/clear: press
& Hold lap/reset
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