
table of contents table of contents
IntroductIon 4
How to use tHIs manual 5
warnIngs & cautIons 6
watcH FunctIons 7
Keys and tHeIr FunctIons 8-9
maIn operatIng modes 10
settIng tHe watcH FunctIons
Setting time 11
Setting Daily alarm 12
Setting PerSonal Profile 13-14
Setting the CountDown timer 15
Setting Dual time 16
operatIng tHe watcH
time 17
Daily alarm 17
Dual time 17
eXerCiSe/PeDometer moDe 18-19
Saving Data to memory 20
viewing Daily reCorDS 21
oPerating the ChronograPh 22
oPerating the CountDown timer 23
oPerating the baCklight 24
ranges & specIFIcatIons 25
replacIng tHe Battery 26
warranty 27
SP4138IS01SPO.indd 2-3 7/18/07 4:07:59 PM