Chapter 2 Software Installation 2-7
2.4.1 Installing Linux Operating System Drivers
The order of installation for Linux operating system and drivers is as follows:
1. Remove the preinstalled Solaris operating system from the server. See
Section 2.1.1, “Erasing the Primary Boot Hard Disk” on page 2-3.
2. If necessary, set up the BIOS for Linux operating system installation. See
Section 2.1.2, “Setting up the BIOS for Operating System Installation” on page 2-4.
3. Install the operating system.
Note – Make sure to keep the 55 MB diagnostic partition in place when doing the
installation. If the diagnostic partition gets erased for some reason, use the Create
Diagnostic Partion option in the Diagnostics section of the Sun Ultra 20 Workstation
Supplemental CD. See the Sun Ultra 20 Workstation User Guide for more details.
4. If you have installed a Red Hat Linux operating system, run the up2date utility
as shown in
Section 2.3, “Running the up2date Utility” on page 2-6.
5. Install the drivers as shown in the following procedure.
To install the video drivers and mount the diagnostic partition when running a
Linux operating system:
1. Log in to the Sun Ultra 20 Workstation as superuser.
2. Insert the Sun Ultra 20 Workstation Supplemental CD into the DVD drive and
Where /mountpoint is the directory the CD is mounted to and operating_system is the
type of Linux installed on the workstation.
■ If the directory does not exist, the CD did not automount. You will need to mount
the CD and change to the correct directory as shown in
Step 3 and Step 4.
■ If you were able to access the operating_system directory, go to Step 5.
cd /mountpoint/drivers/linux/operating_system