Preface vii
1. Setting Up the Sun Ultra 20 Workstation 1–1
1.1 Safety Information 1–1
1.2 Planning the Installation 1–2
1.3 Unpacking the Workstation 1–3
1.3.1 Front Panel Overview 1–4
1.3.2 Back Panel Overview 1–5
1.4 Cabling the Workstation 1–6
1.5 Powering On the Workstation 1–8
1.6 Powering Off the Workstation 1–9
2. Software Installation 2–1
2.1 Preparing for Installation 2–1
2.1.1 Erasing the Primary Boot Hard Disk 2–3
2.1.2 Setting up the BIOS for Operating System Installation 2–4 Setting up the BIOS for Windows XP or Solaris 10 2–4 Setting up the BIOS for a Linux Operating System 2–4
2.2 Installing the Operating System 2–5
2.3 Running the up2date Utility 2–6