Chapter 5 Windows Configuration 43
4. Enter the ADS Container. This specifies the ADS container in which the shares
are published. The shares are published in ADS only if you configure ADS for the
Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS in the Set Up ADS panel.
Enter the path using the share’s cn (common name) folder or ou (organizational
unit). The cn folders are default folders in the root folder. All other folders are ou
folders. For example, if the share resides in a “shares” organizational folder within
an organizational parent folder called “home,” you type:
ou=shares, ou=home
Note – Do not include the domain name in the path.
5. Click Apply to save your changes.
How to Publish Shares in ADS
Active Directory Service (ADS) is a Windows 2000 namespace integrated with the
Domain Name Server (DNS). ADS runs only on domain controllers. In addition to
storing and making data available, ADS also protects network objects from
unauthorized access and replicates objects across a network so that data is not lost if
a domain controller fails. When you enable and set up ADS, the Sun StorEdge 5210
NAS automatically performs ADS updates.
In order for the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS to integrate seamlessly into a Windows 2000
Active Directory environment, the following items must exist on the network:
■ A Windows 2000 server domain controller
■ An Active Directory-integrated DNS server allowing dynamic updates (needed in
order to use the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Dynamic DNS capability) should be
used but is not required for using ADS.
After setting up ADS, you can enable ADS to publish specific Sun StorEdge 5210
NAS shares in the ADS directory. To do so, create or update Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS
SMB shares and specify the share container for each share you want to publish.