68 Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS Quick Reference Manual • November 2004
To set up SNMP:
1. In the navigation panel, select Monitoring and Notification > Configure SNMP.
FIGURE 8-1 The Configure SNMP Panel
2. Select the Enable SNMP checkbox.
3. Enter the SNMP community to which the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS belongs in the
Server SNMP Community field.
4. The Contact Info and System Location fields are description fields. In the Contact
Info field, enter the name of the person who is responsible for this Sun StorEdge
5210 NAS system. In the System Location field, enter the network location. The
location can be physical or logical.
5. To add a new target address, enter the following information in an unused line of
the SNMP table:
a. Destination IP Address – Enter the TCP/IP address for the server you want to
designate as an SNMP trap destination.
b. Port # – Enter the port to which the Sun StorEdge 5210 NAS sends traps. The
default value is port 162.
c. Version – Choose the SNMP protocol version (either 1 or 2) from the pull-down
d. Community – Enter the community string for the trap destination.
e. Enable – Select the checkbox in this column to enable this particular target
address to become a trap destination.