public SystemRecord storeObject(java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel dataChannel)
public SystemRecord
storeObject(ReadableByteChannel dataChannel,NameValueRecord record)
throws ArchiveException,IOException
Takes a ReadableByteChannel (and an optional NameValueRecord) and returns a
SystemRecord instance containing the system metadata for the new object.
Creates a new metadata record in the name-value object archive linked to the data object
identied by the OID.
public SystemRecord storeMetadata(ObjectIdentifier linkOID,
NameValueRecord record);
throws ArchiveException, java.io.IOException
Takes a NameValueRecord and OID and returns a SystemRecord instance containing the system
metadata for the new metadata record.
Checks if the metadata for an object is present in the query engine, and inserts the metadata if it
is not present.
public int checkIndexed(ObjectIdentifier identifier)
throws ArchiveException, IOException
checkIndexed is intended as way to resolve a store index exception under program control (see
“The 5800 System Query Integrity Model” on page 21 for more information).
Once a store index exception occurs (as indicated by a SystemRecord.isIndexed value of false
after a store operation) then archive.checkIndexed(oid) can be called repeatedly until it
returns any non-zero value. This will ensure that the metadata for the object has been inserted
into the query engine; the object should then start to show up in matching queries.
SunStorageTek 5800SystemClientAPIReferenceManual • June 200832