IN: Should range from 0 up to the count-1 returned in “hc_schema_get_count” on page 61.
OUT: Updated to point to a string that is an attribute name of one attribute in the schema.
OUT: Updated to be the type associated with that name in the schema. If the server schema
references a type that the client library does not support, then the type is returned as
Return Codes
See Also
“hc_schema_get_count” on page 61
Manipulating Name-Value Records
5800 system synchronous C API functions are dened to perform the following name-value
record manipulation tasks:
“Using the API for Storing Name-Value Records” on page 63
“Using Returned Name-Value Records” on page 64
“Creating and Freeing Name-Value Records” on page 65
“Building Name-Value Records” on page 66
“Retrieving Name-Value Records” on page 76
“Creating and Converting Name-Value Records From and To String Arrays” on page 84
Using the API for Storing Name-Value Records
A common way of storing metadata in the synchronous C API for the 5800 system is to use the
name-value record API.
SynchronousCAPI Functions
Chapter3 • SunStorageTek 5800SystemCClient API 63