(c) any shipment of the product. Any damage arising of transporta-
tion is the liability of the freight company. Any damage arising of
transportation and any implicit and explicit risks are the liability
of the freigth company.This is expressivly not a liability of TEAC;
(d) repair or attempted repair by anyone not authorized by TEAC to
repair this product;
(e) causes other than product defects, including lack of technical
skill, competence or experience of the user. Especially dam-
ages which may arise of incidential use respectively by improper
(f) damages caused by improper or incorrect installation of soft-
(g) periodic check-ups,
(h) maintenance respectively repair of parts due to normal wear
and tear,
(i) adoptions or adjustments to the product in order to conform to
different national technical or safety standards of any country
other than the one for which the product was originally designed
and manufactured.
Who May Enforce the Warranty
This warranty may be enforced only by the original retail purchaser.
What We Will Pay For
We will pay all labor and material expenses for items covered by the
warranty. Payment of shipping and insurance charge is discussed in
the next section of this warranty.
How You Can Get Warranty Service
1. If your unit needs service during the warranty period, please con-
tact the local authorized distributor for this product. If you are un-
able to locate such a distributor, please contact your TEAC facility
at the address indicated below.