To the User
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for
a Class B digital device, pursuant to VCCI Rules. Although this device
is designed to be used in a home environment, it may cause interfer-
ence if used near a radio or TV receiver. Be sure to handle the device
properly in accordance with this instruction manual.
• While reasonable efforts have been made in the preparation of this
product and this document to assure accuracy, contact TEAC Cor-
poration if there is any doubt or error in this document. Note how-
ever that TEAC Corporation may not assume responsibility for the
support or results of the above.
• TEAC Corporation assumes no responsibility for data loss caused
by the operation that is not in accordance to this document, or data
loss caused by natural disaster, fire, power outage, or spontaneous
defect of this product.
• The product and the material in this document are subject to change
toward improvement without notice.
• No part of this document may be reproduced without the prior writ-
ten consent of TEAC Corporation.
• The contents in this document are written based on information as
of October 2001.