Reference: Remote Commands ~ Command Description
3-52 OTS9100 User Manual
This command sets the data byte values transmitted in the Path Trace (J1) byte of the Path Overhead.
The data bytes are formatted as a standard IEEE-488 data block. The query form returns the current
Syntax: :SOURce<slot>:DATA:PATH:TRACe:VALUe?
:SOURce<slot>:DATA:PATH:TRACe:VALUe <Block>
This command sets the data byte values transmitted in the Path Trace (J1) byte of the Path Overhead.
The data byte values are specified as an ASCII string. The query form returns the current values.
Syntax: :SOURce<slot>:DATA:PATH:TRACe:VALUe:STRIng?
:SOURce<slot>:DATA:PATH:TRACe:VALUe:STRIng <String>
This setting selects the background test pattern inserted as payload into the transmitted signal. The query
form returns the current setting.
Syntax: :SOURce<slot>:DATA:PAYLoad:BACKground:PATTern?
:SOURce<slot>:DATA:PAYLoad:BACKground:PATTern <Enum>
Parameters Description
PRBS15A ITU standard PRBS 2^15-1 pattern
PRBS15I Inverted PRBS 2^15-1 pattern
PRBS23A ITU standard PRBS 2^23-1 pattern
PRBS23I Inverted PRBS 2^23-1 pattern
PRBS31A ITU standard PRBS 2^31-1 pattern
PRBS31I Inverted PRBS 2^31-1 pattern
ZEROs Constant zero data
ONEs Constant one data
USER Constant 8-bit user-specified data
LIVE Live data