
Getting Started
AD007 User Manua l
19. Click on Submit. The new IP address is now in nonvolatile
20. Power off the adapter.
21. Power on the adapter to boot up the adapter with the new setti ngs.
22. Restore the previous network settings on your PC and reboot
your PC.
23. To verify that the network installation is complete, perform the
procedure to access the web page interface on page 26.
24. After you have verified access to the web pages, continue with
the rest of the procedures in the Getting Started sec tion.
Setup Procedure 4 - DHCP Server, Dynamic IP Setup or Operation
If the following conditions are true, the net work has automatic ally
configured the network settings of your adapter, but you must
determine the IP address allocated by the server in order to use or
manually reconfigure the adapter.
H The net work admi nistrator verifies that you have a DHCP/
BOOTP server on your network.
H The network administrator has indicated that the DHCP/BOOTP
server is configured to allocate a dynamic IP a ddress to the
Ethernet hardware address of your adapter.
H The network administrator has not assigned you a static IP
address -- or -- you must determine the dynami cally alloca ted IP
address in order to access and set the static IP address of your
H One end of the RJ-45 cable is connected to the RJ-45 connector
on the back of the AD007 adapter. Push the connector in until it
H The other end of the RJ-45 cable is connected to the network
drop assigne d by the network technic ian.
H After the 30-second power on routine, the following states apply.