
Printing: Beyond the Basics
5-14 Phaser 360 Color Printer
Using fonts with Windows
Before printing, you need to make sure the fonts speciÞed in your document
are installed in the printer or set up correctly in Windows. If you request a
font in an application that is not resident in the printer, or is not correctly
installed in Windows, the text is printed in the Courier typeface.
To use fonts that are not resident in the printer, do one of the following:
Use a font downloader supplied with your font package to
download the desired font to the printer.
Windows 3.1 users: Edit your WIN.INI Þle so the Windows driver
automatically downloads the fonts you need as part of a print job.
Refer to your Microsoft Windows documentation for details on
this procedure.
Some font packages automatically update the PostScript port
entries in your WIN.INI Þle when you reinstall the fonts. Refer to
the font packageÕs documentation for instructions.
For more information on using fonts with Windows, visit the Tektronix color
printer web site.