Limit Testing
The template will be smoother if you acquire the template waveform
acquisition mode. If you are unsure how to do this,
Acquisition Modes
on page 3-7.
Once you have selected a source, select a destination for the template.
2. Press Template Destination (side) ➞ Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, or Ref4.
Figure 3-41: Acquire Menu — Create Limit Test Template
Now create the envelope by specifying the amount of variation from the
template that you will tolerate. Tolerance values are expressed in frac-
tions of a major division. They represent the amount by which incoming
waveform data can deviate without having exceeded the limits set in the
limit test. The range is from 0 (the incoming waveform must be exactly
like the template source) to 5 major divisions of tolerance.
3. Press
Limit (side). Enter the vertical (voltage) tolerance value using
the general purpose knob or keypad.
4. Press
Limit (side). Enter the horizontal (time) tolerance value using
the general purpose knob or keypad.
5. When you have specified the limit test template as you wish, press OK
Store Template (side). This action stores the specified waveform in the
specified destination, using the specified tolerances. Until you have done
so, the template waveform has been defined but not created.