Waveform Math
If your digitizing oscilloscope is equipped with Advanced DSP Math
(optional on TDS 620A & TDS 640A), the menu item FFT will be at
the same brightness
as the menu items Single Wfm Math and
Dual Wfm Math; otherwise, FFT will be dimmed.
See pages 3-38,
3-150, and 3-154 for information on FFTs and other advanced math
2. Press Average (side) and enter a value with the general purpose knob or
the keypad to take an average of multiple acquisitions. Press No Ex-
tended Processing (side) to perform math operations only on one
3. If desired, turn on or turn off math averaging. To turn on math averaging,
press Average (side) and turn the general purpose knob (or use the
keypad) to enter the number of times to successively average the math
waveform before completing an acquisition. Press No Extended Proces-
sing (side) to turn off math averaging.
4. Press Change Math waveform definition (side) ➞ FFT (if your oscillo-
scope contains Advanced DSP Math), Single Wfm Math, or Dual Wfm
Math (main) to alter the present math waveform definition (see Fig-
ure 3-85).
The single and dual waveform operations are described separately in the
following topics. For descriptions of Advanced DSP Math, see
Fourier Transforms
on page 3-38,
Waveform Differentiation
page 3-150, and
Waveform Integration
on 3-154.
Single Wfm Math
1. Press MORE ➞ Math1, Math2, or Math3 (main) ➞ Change Math wave-
form definition (side) ➞ Single Wfm Math (main). Press Set Function
to (side) to select inv (invert), intg (if your oscilloscope contains Ad-
vanced DSP Math), or diff (if your oscilloscope contains Advanced DSP
Math). Waveform integration (intg) is described on page 3-154, and
waveform differentiation (diff) is described on page
2. To define the source waveform, press Set Single Source to (side).
3. When you are ready to perform the function, press OK Create Math Wfm