Getting Going Fast……
How to get your 9070 Analyzer working for you with the minimum of fuss…..
. Plug the power lead into the Analyzer and into the power point.
Turn on the power at the power point.
Screw the sample pipe onto the 1/8” Swagelok tube connector, on the right hand side of the Analyzer.
Wait 10 minutes for the oxygen sensor to get over 700°C.
The display will look like this if the Analyzer is oxygen
The display will look like this if the Analyzer is oxygen and carbon dioxide
Oxygen 20.9%
Sensor Deg 720C
O2 20.9% CO2 0.0
Sensor Deg 720C
The 9070 Analyzer is now reading oxygen (and carbon dioxide if installed).
Insert the hypodermic through a septum into a food pack to get a gas reading. Leave the hypodermic in the pack
for 4 to 6 seconds, or until the head space is nearly all pumped out. Don’t suck in the food product.
(See question #1, in Frequently Asked Questions on the next page)
If you want to display the minimum oxygen, press the DISPLAY button until the lower line of the display reads
“Sample” like this-
Some of the menu items that may have to be set the first time the Analyzer is used…..
Lower Line
Oxygen 20.9%
Sample 0.68%
Select the “Sample mode” (Setup # 26).
Continuous. When the process gas is available continuously. Eg Gas supply monitoring.
Display Sample. When sampling a gas from a food pack.
Fast Sample When sampling a gas from a food pack with very small head space. (<50cc)
Select the “Display Mode” (Setup # 27)
Oxygen % The oxygen will be displayed as a percentage down to 0.1%, then ppm down to 0.1ppm.
Oxygen PPM The oxygen will always be displayed as parts per million.
O2/CO2 % only The same as ‘Oxygen %’ with carbon dioxide also displayed.
O2/CO2 %/PPM The same as ‘Oxygen PPM’ with carbon dioxide also displayed.
Select the alarm levels, if either a light or a relay contact is required if the oxygen/carbon dioxide is high/low.
Page 2 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 9070 Oxygen Analyzer