• Two isolated linearised 4–20 mA DC outputs into 1000Ω load (max).
• RS232/485 computer/printer interface for peak oxygen/carbon dioxide value report and alarm functions.
• One common alarm relay for self diagnostic alarms
• One user selectable alarm relays for gas related alarm levels, ‘Sensor low temperature’ and ‘Calibration in
• 240/110 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 115W
Gas Connection
• 1/8’’ Swagelok tube connector
Flow Rate
• 200 - 300 cc (25-40 scfm) per minute, governed by internal pump
• 0–50°C (32-120°F) ambient temperature
• 0–45°C (32-110°F) ambient temperature when CO
sensor fitted
• 4.5 kg (10 lbs)
• 265mm x 158mm x 268mm. (9.91” x 6.22” x 10.55”)
Range of Output 1
• Field selectable from the following:
Output Selection Range
Linear oxygen 0–0.1% oxygen to 0–100.0% oxygen
0–1000ppm oxygen to 0–1,000,000ppm oxygen
Low Range Linear oxygen 0–0.001% oxygen to 0–1.0% oxygen
0–10ppm oxygen to 0–10,000ppm oxygen
Range of Output 2
• Field selectable from the following:
Output Selection Zero Range Span Range
• Carbon Dioxide, 0–90% 10–100% Min span 10%
• Reducing Oxygen 10
% 10
In one decade steps. Min span three decades
• Oxygen sensor EMF 0–1100 mV 1000–1300 mV
In 100 mV steps In 100 mV steps
• Sample Oxygen 0–0.1% 0.01–20% Min Span 0.01%
0–1000 ppm 100–20,000 ppm Min span 100 ppm
• Low oxygen 0–99.9% 0.1–100% oxygen Min span 0.1%
0-999,000 ppm 1,000-1,000,000 ppm Min span 1,000ppm
• Logarithmic Oxygen 0.1% O
Fixed 20% O
Range of Indication, Upper Line
• Oxygen selectable either % O
or ppm, and Carbon Dioxide
• Oxygen, auto ranging from 0.1 ppm to 100% O
(always ppm below 0.1% oxygen if selected as % O
in set-up
Carbon Dioxide, 0.1 to 100.0%
Page 8 Teledyne Analytical Instruments 9070 Oxygen Analyzer