
AT Commands
Table 2-1. OMEGA CDMA Modem AC Power Supply Connector
Power Cable Color Designation Modem Terminal
Live Black 1 (left pin)
Ground Green 2 (center pin)
Neutral White 3 (right pin)
Setting the OMEGA DIP Switch
The OMEGA CDMA Modem provides an 8-position configuration DIP switch that selects
various operating parameters. Review the switch settings in Table 2-2 and change any to suit
your requirements.
Table 2-2. OMEGA CDMA Modem Switch Settings
Switch Description ON OFF
Baud Rate Selects the OMEGA CDMA Modem baud rate. Set these
switches to match the speed of the attached DTE. See Table 2-3
for supported baud rates.
3 Parity Async character: 8-E-1 Async character: 8-N-1
4 Sleep Mode (Reserved) Set to OFF (default)
5 Interface Status or RSSI LEDs display RS-232
signals (default)
LEDs display RSSI
6 Hardware Flow Control* Enabled Disabled (default)
7 DTR Dial Enabled Disabled (default)
8 RS-232/RS-485 Interface RS-485 RS-232 (default)
9 2/4 wire RS-485 2-W Half-duplex 4-W Full-duplex
10 Reserved Factory testing Set to OFF (default)
* If your RTU or meter only supports TXD and RXD signals, set switch 6 OFF to disable hardware
flow control. In this mode, the OMEGA CDMA Modem ignores the Request-To-Send and other
input control signals.
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