
AT Commands
Table A-4. Cellular CDMA Commands
AT Command Parameter Description
*? Display list of OMEGA commands.
*CLIENT= 0 Disable Client mode.
1 Enable Client mode.
*CLIENT? Display Client mode activation.
*D= [string] Set auto dialup string.
*D? Display auto dial-up string.
*DIP [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] Connect to given IP address.
*DTR 1 Enable DTR dialing.
0 Disable DTR dialing.
*DTR? Display DTR dialing activation.
*F Restore the default OMEGA configuration.
*H Hang up the modem connection.
*HIP Hang up the active IP connection.
*I Display the controller firmware version.
*IPR= [baud] Set the controller-transceiver baud rate.
*IPR? Display the controller-transceiver baud rate.
*LIP= [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] Set the local IP address.
*LIP? Display the local IP address.
*LOOP Enter loopback mode.
*LPASS= [string] Set the local password.
* LPASS? Display the local password.
*LUSER= [string] Set the local username.
*LUSER? Display the local username.
*MAC= [string] Set the controller MAC address or telephone number.
*MAC? Display the controller MAC address or telephone number.
*MRU= [number] Set the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Maximum Receive
Unit (MRU).
*MRU? Display the PPP MRU.
*NETSTAT Display network statistics.
*PING= [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] Ping the specified IP address.
*PORT= [number] Set the TCP and UDP listen port.
*PORT? Display the TCP and UDP listen port.
*PPP= 1 Enable PPP.
0 Disable PPP.
*PPP? Display PPP activation.
*R= [secs] Set the transceiver re-registration interval.
*R? Display the transceiver re-registration interval.
*RESET Restart the system.
*RIP= [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] Set the remote IP address.
*RIP? Dis
emote IP address.
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