B-2 TI-85/TI-86 Graphing Calculators
Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
ALPHA 7 (L) 2
ALPHA 7 (L) 3
ALPHA 7 (L) 4
ALPHA 7 (L) 5
ENTER . (See Figure 4.) Press EXIT or 2nd EXIT (QUIT) to return to the home screen.
TI-85 Statistical Setup TI- 86 Statistical Setup
TI-86 Note: Because appropriate TI-86 computer linking software had not yet been perfected
at the time this material was written, TI-86 screens in this Guide appear smaller than the TI-
85 screens. Screens that appear the same on both calculators are shown for the TI-85.
Basic Operation
You should be familiar with the basic operation of your calculator. With calculator in hand, go
through each of the following.
1. CALCULATING You can type in lengthy expressions; just make sure that you use
parentheses when you are not sure of the calculator's order of operations. As a general rule,
numerators and denominators of fractions and powers consisting of more than one term should be
enclosed in parentheses.
4 * 15 +
. Evaluate
- 5
8 + 1.456
(Use (–) for the negative symbol and - for the
subtraction sign.)
Evaluate e
0.027 and e
The calculator will assume you mean the first expression
unless you use parentheses around the two values in the
exponent. (It is not necessary to type in the 0 before the
decimal point.)
2. USING THE ANS MEMORY Instead of again typing an expression that was evaluated
immediately prior, use the answer memory by pressing 2nd (–) (ANS) .