Chapter 1 B-3
Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
4*15 +
using this nice shortcut.
(If you wish to clear the home screen, press CLEAR .)
3. ANSWER DISPLAY When the denominator of a fraction has no more than three digits,
your calculator can provide the answer in fraction form. When an answer is very large or very
small, the calculator displays the result in scientific notation.
The Òto a fractionÓ key is obtained by pressing
2nd ✕ (MATH) F5 (MISC) MORE F1 ( Frac) .
The calculator's symbol for Òtimes 10
Ó is 12. Thus,
7.945 12 means 7,945,000,000,000.
The result 1.4675 –6 means 1.4675
, the scientific
notation expression for 0.0000014675.
4. STORING VALUES Sometimes it is beneficial to store numbers or expressions for later
recall. To store a number, type the number on the display and press STO . (Note that the
cursor automatically changes to alphabetic mode when you press STO .) Next, press the key
corresponding to the letter in which you wish to store the value, and then press ENTER . To join
several short commands together, use 2nd (:).
Store 5 in A and 3 in B, and then calculate 4 A Ð 2B.
To recall a value stored in a variable, use ALPHA
to type the letter in which the expression or value
is stored and then press ENTER . The value stays
stored until you change it.
5. ERROR MESSAGES When your input is incorrect, an error message is displayed.
If you have more than one command on a line without
the commands separated by a colon (:), an error message
results when you press ENTER .