14 PowrTwin Plus
5. Cleanup
The sprayer, hose, and gun should be cleaned
thoroughly after daily use. Failure to do so permits
material to build up, seriously aecting the
performance of the unit.
Always spray at minimum pressure with the gun
nozzle tip removed when using mineral spirits or
any other solvent to clean the sprayer, hose, or
gun. Static electricity buildup may result in a re or
explosion in the presence of ammable vapors.
5.1 Special cleanup instructions for use with
ammable solvents
• Always ush spray gun preferably outside and at least one hose
length from spray pump.
• If collecting ushed solvents in a one gallon metal container,
place it into an empty ve gallon container, then ush solvents.
• Area must be free of ammable vapors.
• Follow all cleanup instructions.
5.2 Cleaning the sprayer
1. Follow the “Pressure Relief Procedure” found in the Operation
section of this manual, section 4.5.
2. Remove the gun tip and tip guard and clean with a brush
using the appropriate solvent.
3. Place the siphon tube into a container of the appropriate
Use only compatible solvents when cleaning
out oil based enamels, lacquers, coal tar, and
epoxies. Check with the uid manufacturer for the
recommended solvent.
4. Place the bleed hose into a metal waste container.
5. Set the pressure to minimum by turning the pressure control
knob (1) fully counterclockwise.
6. Open the hydraulic shut-o valve located on the hydraulic
pressure hose (2). The handle should be in line with the hose.
7. Open the bleed valve (3) by rotating the bleed valve handle
fully counterclockwise.
8. Start the engine or turn on the electric motor.
9. Allow the solvent to circulate through the sprayer and
ush the paint out of the bleed hose into the metal waste
10. Turn o the sprayer.
11. Close the bleed valve by rotating the bleed valve handle fully
12. Start the engine or turn on the electric motor.
Earth the gun by holding it against the edge of the
metal container while flushing. Failure to do so may
lead to a static electric discharge, which may cause
a fire.
13. Trigger the gun into the metal waste container until the paint
is ushed out of the hose and solvent is coming out of the
14. Continue to trigger the spray gun into the waste container
until the solvent coming out of the gun is clean.
For long-term or cold weather storage, pump
mineral sprits through the entire system.
15. Follow the “Pressure Relief Procedure” found in the Operation
section of this manual.
16. Store the sprayer in a clean, dry area.
Do not store the sprayer under pressure.
5.3 Cleaning a Clogged Tip
1. Follow the “Pressure Relief Procedure” in the Operation
section of this manual.
2. If the tip clogs, rotate the tip handle 180° until the arrow on
the handle is facing the opposite of the spray direction and
the handle clicks in the reverse position.
3. Trigger the gun once so that the pressure can blow the clog
out. NEVER use the tip in the reverse position for more than
ONE trigger pull at a time. This procedure can be repeated
until the tip is free of clogging.
The flow from the spray tip is at very high pressure.
Contact with any body part may be dangerous. Do
not place finger on gun outlet. Do not point the gun
at any person. Never operate the spray gun without
the proper tip guard.