PowrCoat 15
7. Troubleshooting
7.1 Airless Gun
Problem Cause Solution
A. Spitting gun 1. Air in system
2. Dirty gun
3. Needle assembly out of adjustment
4. Brokenorchippedseat
1. Inspect connections for air leaks.
2. Disassemble and clean.
3. Inspect and adjust.
4. Inspect and replace.
B. Gunwillnotshuto 1. Worn or broken needle & seat
2. Needle assembly out of adjustment
3. Dirty gun
1. Replace.
2. Adjust.
3. Clean.
C. Gun does not spray 1. No paint
2. Plugged lter or tip
3. Brokenneedleingun
1. Check uid supply.
2. Clean.
3. Replace.
7.2 Air Motor
Problem Cause Solution
A. Motor stops at top or bottom
of stroke - air does not exhaust
when gun is open.
1. Piston rod is loose where it connects to the
uid section.
2. Trip springs or valve spring broken.
3. Motor is frozen due to icing or lack of
1. Tighten connection.
2. Inspect and replace where neessary.
3. ChecktheAir-Care™uidlevelintheAutomatic
If condition persists, check air supply for
B. Motorstops,blowsairfrom
exhaust when gun is open.
1. See above.
2. Air valve is in dead stall position.
3. O-rings were worn or damaged.
1. See above.
2. Remove one trip spring retainer, trip spring and ball.
Push spool valve up or down, lubricate, reassemble
and restart.
3. Install minor service kit and follow instructions in
Servicing section of manual.
If dust or dirt is found inside motor, check air supply for