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g nInit (Printer Host)
z Reset request signal from the host
z Normally at the “High” level. A low on this input causes the printer to be initialized in the
same manner as when the power is turned on.
z When the nInit signal is input during printing, the printer completes printing one label which
is being printed, cancels the next processing, then is initialized in the same manner as
when the power is turned on.
z Minimum pulse width of 0.5 µsec
h Select (Printer Host)
z This is an output signal which indicates whether the printer is in a Pause state or placed
online. The printer can receive data while placed online.
z The signal is at the “Low” level while the printer is in a Pause state.
z The signal is kept at the “Low” level (in a Pause state) until the current state (one of the
following states) is reset.
Pause state caused by the [PAUSE] key
Paper end state
Ribbon end state
Head open state
Printer error state
Initialization in progress upon power on or receipt of the nInit signal
i nFault (Printer Host)
z Output signal indicating that the printer is in a Fault state
z At the “Low” level while the printer is in a Fault state.
z The signal is kept at the “Low” level (in a Fault state) until the current state (one of the
following states) is reset.
Pause state caused by the [PAUSE] key
Paper end state
Ribbon end state
Head open state
Printer error state
Initialization in progress upon power on or receipt of the nInit signal
j PError (Printer Host)
z Output signal indicating a label end state or ribbon end state.
z At the “High” level when the printer is in a label end state or ribbon end state.
z Turns to the “Low” level when the label end state or ribbon end state is reset.
k +5 V
z This is not a signal but a +5 V power supply voltage.
z The maximum current of 500 mA can be taken out.
l nSelectIn (Printer Host)
z Not used
nAutoFd (Printer Host)
z Not used