Before inspecting, cleaning or servicing the machine, shut off engine, wait for all moving parts to
come to a complete stop, disconnect spark plug wire and move wire away from spark plug.
Removethe key fromthe keyswitchon units so equipped.
Failure tofollow these instructions canresult in seriouspersonal injury or propertydamage.
5. Onengines with a dipstick, remove it,
wipe it clean, and reinstall it finger-tight.
Removethe dipstick and checkthe
reading. Add oil (if required) to bring the
levelto the FULLmark. Do not overfill.
B. To Changethe EngineOil:
Changethe engine oil as instructed in the
separateEngineOwner's Manual.
Theengine must be keptclean to assure
smooth operationand to prevent damage
from overheating. Referto the separate
EngineOwner's Manualfor specific repair
and cleaning instructions. All inspections
and services must be donewith the
engine shut off and cool to the touch.
Theengine air cleanerfilters dirt and dust
out ofthe air before it entersthe carbure-
tor. Operatingthe engine with a dirty,
clogged air filter can causepoor perfor-
Figure5-3: Removedrainplugto drain manceand damageto the engine. Never
transmissiongearoil(alsoremoveoilfill operatethe enginewithout the aircleaner
installed. Inspect andservicethe air
cleanermore often if operating in very
dusty or dirty conditions.
Operators shall not tamper with the
engine governor settings on the
machine; the governor controls the
maximum safe operating speed to
protectthe engine and all moving parts
from damage caused by overspeed.
ENGINEOILSERVICE Authorized service shall be sought if a
Checkthe engine oil levelbeforestarting
the engineeachday and check it after
each5 hours of continuous operation. SPARKPLUGSERVICE
Runningthe enginewhen it is low on oil
will quickly ruin the engine.
It is recommendedthat you changethe
motor oil after every 10 hours of opera-
tion andevensooner when operating in
Owner's Manual.
extremely dirty or dusty conditions. Refer
to the separateEngineOwner's Manual Insome areas, local law requires using
for detailedservice instructions, resistor spark plugs to suppress ignition
signals. Ifthe enginewas originally
A. To Checkthe EngineOil Level: equipped with a resistor spark plug, use
Servicethe air cleaneras instructed in the problemexists.
separateEngineOwner's Manual.
Inspectand cleanor replacethe spark
plug after every 100 operating hours or
annually. Cleanthe plug andset the gap
as described in the separate Engine
Thecarburetor was adjustedat the
factory for best operatingspeed. Referto
the separateEngineOwner's Manualfor
anyadjustment information or seeyour
authorizedengine servicedealer.
Thegovernor controls the maximum safe
operating speedand protects the engine
and all moving parts from damage caused
by overspeeding. Do not tamper with the
engine governorsettings. Seekautho-
rizedservice if a problem exists.
1. Move the tiller to a levelareaand shut
off the engine.
2. Levelthe engine by moving the Depth
RegulatorLever up or downas needed.
3. Cleanthe areaaround the oil dipstick
or oil fill tubeto prevent dirt from falling
intothe crankcase.
4. On engineswith an oil fill tube, remove
thefiller cap, add oil (if required) until it
reachesthe top of the tube and reinstall
thefiller cap.
the sametype for replacement.
If the engine muffler isequipped with a
spark arrester screen, removeand clean it
according to the time intervalsand
instructions inthe separateEngine
If the enginedoes not respondto various
throttle leversettings, refer to the sepa-
rate EngineOwner's Manualfor service
information or contact your localautho-
rizedengine service dealer.
Owner's Manual.