7. Takeall possible precautionswhen
leavingthe machineunattended.Stopthe
engine. Removeignition key on electric
start models. Disconnect spark plug wire
and move it awayfrom the spark plug.
MoveWheelGear Leverto ENGAGE.
8. Beforecleaning, repairing, or inspect-
ing,stop the engine,remove the ignition
keyon electric start models,and make
certain all moving parts havestopped.
Disconnectthe spark plug wire and
preventit from touching the spark plug to
preventaccidentalstarting. Onelectric
start models,always removethe cable
from the negativeside (-) of the battery.
9. Always keepthetiller tine hood flap
down, unless using the hiller/furrower
10. Never usethe tiller unless proper
guards, plates,or othersafetyprotective
devicesarein place.
11. Do not run engine in an enclosed
area.Engineexhaustcontains carbon
monoxide gas,a deadly poisonthat is
odorless, colorless, and tasteless.
12. Keepchildren and pets away.
13. Never operatethetiller under
engine powerif theWheel GearLeveris
position,the wheelswill notholdthe
tiller backand therevolvingtines could
propelthe tiller rapidly, possibly
causinglossof control.Always movethe
WheelGearLeverto ENGAGEbefore
starting the engine or engagingthe
tines/wheelswith the ForwardClutch
Control or the ReverseClutch Control.
14. Beaware thatthe tiller may unex-
forwardif thetinesshouldstrike
extremelyhardpackedsoil, frozen
ground,or buriedobstacleslike large
stones,roots,or stumps.If in doubt
aboutthetilling conditions,alwaysuse
thefollowing operatingprecautionsto
assistyou in maintainingcontrolofthe
Walk behindandto oneside ofthe
tiller, usingone handonthe han-
dlebars. Relaxyourarm, butusea
b. Useshallowerdepthregulatorset-
tings, workinggraduallydeeper
with eachpass.
c. Useslower enginespeeds.
d. Clearthe tilling area ofall large
stones,rootsand other debris.
e. Avoidusingdownwardpressure
on handlebars.If needbe, use
slightupwardpressureto keepthe
tines from diggingtoo deeply.
f. Beforecontactinghardpackedsoil
at the endof a row, reduceengine
speedand lift handlebarsto raise
tines out of thesoil.
g. In an emergency,stoptinesand
wheels byreleasing whichever
ClutchLever isengaged. Donot
attemptto restrainthe tiller.
15. Do not overloadthe tiller's capacity
by attempting to till too deeply attoo fast
a rate.
16. Neveroperatethetiller at hightrans-
port speeds on hard or slippery surfaces.
Look behind and use carewhen backing
17. Do not operatethe tiller on aslope
that istoo steepfor safety. When on
slopes,slow down and makesureyou
havegood footing. Never permit the tiller
to freewheel down slopes.
18. Neverallow bystanders nearthe unit.
19. Onlyuse attachments and acces-
sories that areapproved by the tiller
20. Usetiller attachments and acces-
sories when recommended.
21. Neveroperatethetiller without good
visibility or light.
22. Neveroperatethetiller ifyou aretired,
or undertheinfluenceof alcohol,drugsor
23. Operatorsshallnottamperwith the
engine-governorsettingsonthe machine;
the governorcontrolsthe maximumsafe
operatingspeedto protecttheengineand
all movingpartsfrom damagecausedby
soughtif a problemexists.
24. Donottouch enginepartswhich may
be hotfrom operation.Letpartscool down
25. Thebatteryon electricstartmodeltillers
containssulfuricacid.Avoid contactwith
skin,eyes,or clothing.Keepout of the
Antidote-External Contact:Flushimme-
diatelywith lotsof water.
Antidote-Internal: Drinklargequantities
ofwateror milk.Followwith milkof
magnesia,beateneggs or vegetableoil.
Calla doctor immediately.
Antidote-EyeContact:Flushwith water
for 15 minutes.Get promptmedical
26. Batteriesproduceexplosivegases.Keep
sparks,flame,andsmoking materialsaway.
Ventilatewhenchargingbatteriesor when
usinga batteryinanenclosedspace.
working nearbatteries.
27. Pleaseremember:Youcanalwaysstop
thetines andwheelsby releasingthe
control you haveengaged),or by moving
the EngineThrottleControlLever(located
onengine)to STOPon recoil startmodels
or byturning the ignitionkeyto OFFon
28. To loador unloadthetiller, seethe
instructionsinSection4 ofthis Manual.
29. Useextremecautionwhen reversingor
30. Starttheenginecarefullyaccordingto
instructionsandwith feetwell awayfrom
31. Neverpick up orcarrya machinewhile
theengineis running.
1. Keepthe tiller, attachments and acces-
sories in safe working condition.
2. Checkallnuts, bolts, and screws at
frequent intervalsfor proper tightness to
besure the equipment is in safeworking
3. Neverstorethetillerwith fuel inthefuel
tank insidea buildingwhereignition
sourcesare presentsuchas hotwaterand
stoves,electricmotors,etc. Allow engineto
cool beforestoring in anyenclosure.