D Enter your age using
T keys to receive a computed target
heart rate. Your 70% target heart rate based on your age will
appear. Press ENTER to accept, or use
T keys to change
your target heart rate.
D Use
T keys to select a goal: Time, Miles or Calories. Press
the ENTER key for your selection.
D Use
T keys to enter a specific time, distance or calories
goal as desired. A valid time goal is from 1 to 90 minutes, a valid
distance goal is from 0.1 to 10.0 miles, and a valid calories goal is
from 1 to 2000 calories.
The Lifestride FIT TEST program is another exclusive feature of this
versatile aerobic product. Think of it as your "relative fitness score." Use
the Fit Test to monitor improvement in your endurance every four to six
D After selecting FIT TEST and pressing the ENTER key, a flashing
"Enter Your Age" appears in the Message Center. Use
keys to enter your age and then press ENTER.
D After entering your age, a flashing "Enter Your Sex" appears in the
Message Center.
Press'" for male or T for female. This is
necessary for accurate computation of your Fit Test score.
D After entering your sex, the Message Center will ask you to select
your speed: 2, 3, 4 or 4.5 m.p.h. Use
T keys to enter a
desired speed. of:
D Use
T keys to select a belt speed of from 0.5 to 11.0 m.p.h.
(CAUTION: The belt will begin traveling at 0.5 m.p.h. while you
are selecting your speed.) Press the ENTER key.
NOTE: You may change the level of intensity at any time
during an exercise program by pressing
T keys.
The Heart Rate program is designed to maintain your target heart rate
by varying the Lifestride trainer's incline. The program, through the use
of the heart rate strap, provides you with an accurate and convenient
means of obtaining your heart rate while automatically adjusting the
incline in order to maintain your predetermined value, based on your
age and the Training Zone Chart. You are free to change your target
heart rate at any time during the program simply by pressing the incline
... T keys.
Using this option, you can create your own warm-up and cool-down
periods by varying your target to be at different percentages of your
theoretical maximum. Incline will vary based on your current heart rate
and your striding speed or m.p.h. Because the heart rate is more
accurate than the traditional measurements of exercise intensity (watts
healthcare professionals can prescribe a precise
individualized workout program. The Heart Rate program begins with a
three-minute warm-up period designed to safely get you closer to your
target heart rate from a resting start. During the warm-up period, the
incline is 0%. If your current heart rate is way below your target heart
rate, the warm-up will be one and a half minutes at 0% incline, then
increases to 3.0%. Your heart rate will be displayed during the warm-up
by remaining within the range of the sensor.
2.0 m.p.h.
3.0 or 4.0 m.p.h.
4.5 m.p.h.
D Begin your five-minute FitTest with a 60-second warm-up, followed by
four minutes at 5% incline. The belt speed and incline will be
maintained for an accurate computation.
D After you have completed the Fit Test, use the TIME prompt to take
your 15-second pulse and use
T keys to enter your pulse.
If you are using the Heart Rate System, your Fit Test score will be
shown followed by your ranking in the Fit Test Scoring Table located on
A number and rating of where you rank with others in your specific sex
and age category will appear in the Message Center. Compare your
fitness level to others by using Table 2 on page 23.
If your heart rate is below 65% of your theoretical maximum heart rate,
redo the Fit Test at a faster belt speed. If your heart rate is too high
(higher than 200) or too low (lower than 50), review the proper pulse
taking procedure on page 48.
The Fit Test is also an estimate of your V02 max, which is a
combination of how well the heart supplies oxygenated blood to the
exercising muscles and how efficiently these muscles get oxygen
from the blood. It is the measurement regarded by physicians and
exercise physiologists as the standard for aerobic capacity.
Please note that the V02 max values received will be 10 t015 percent
higher than those achieved on a stationary cycle. Stationary cycling
offers a specific workout for the quadricep muscle and this muscle
often reaches maximum fatigue at a lower level of V02 max than a
person could reach on a stairclimber or a treadmil.**
At the end of the warm-up, a heart shape (") will appear in the center
window. From then on, your heart rate will be used to vary resistance
in helping you reach your target. On average, it will take two to three
minutes for your heart rate to reach your target.
If your heart rate is above the chosen target during the warm-up period,
the warm-up period will immediately end, and the treadmill will begin
automatically altering the incline to maintain your target heart rate.
"Ebbeling. Cara
B.; Puleo, Elaine M.; Ward, Ann; Widrick, Jeffrey, and Rippe, James M, "Development Ot A Single
Stage Submaximal Treadmill Walking Tesf'. Univ. Ot Ma. Medical
Ctr..1991 "Unpublished".