Proper Stretching Techniques
is perhaps the most neglected element of physical
conditioning, because people do not associate flexibilitywith the more
glamorous results of exercise - speed, strength and a lean body
appearance. However, without significant flexibility,real gains infitness
are unnecessarily difficult to achieve and maintain.
Limber joints, muscles, and
connective tissues provide the
freedom of motion that makes
exercise easier and more
enjoyable to perform, and
lessens the risk of injury.Without
proper, consistent stretching,
ligaments and tendons can
become taut and shortened due
to decreased circulation. These
inflexible tissues are more prone to chronic soreness and to rupture than
loose, stretch-conditioned tissues. And, nothing is more discouraging
than nagging injuries. Stretching helps people of all ages and fitness
levels prepare themselves for the exertion required to participate in a
program of regular muscular and aerobic training.
See pages 36 and 37 for illustrations of recommended stretching
as a Fitness