Status byte
The Status Byte provides information about events and conditions within the instrument. It may be
read by a conventional Serial Poll or its value obtained as a response to the *STB? query. Bits 0 to
5 and bit 7 are each single bit Summary Messages which may be of two types (or not used at all).
(i) Queue Status - a '1' indicates that an associated Queue is non-empty and has data available to
be read.
(ii) Status Register Summary - reports the occurrence of an enabled event monitored by a Status
Register Structure.
The Service Request Enable Register determines which of the bits can generate an SRQ. This
register may be set by *SRE or read by *SRE? If the bitwise -AND of the Status Byte and the
Enable Register is non-zero the Flag Master Summary Status (<mss>) is True. Bit 6 of the Status
Byte value read by *STB? holds <mss>. However bit 6 of the Status Byte when Serial Polled is
the Request For Service bit used to determine which device on the Bus has asserted SRQ, and is
cleared by a Serial Poll.
The IEEE 488.2 Standard defines bit 4 as Message Available (<mav>), the Queue Summary for the
Output Buffer, indicating whether any part of a Response Messages is available to be read. Bit 5 is
the Event Summary Bit (<esb>), the Summary Message from the Standard Event Status Register.
With this instrument, bit 7 is a Queue Summary for the Error Queue. Bits 1, 2, and 3 are Status
summaries for the Instrument Status, Coupling Status and Hardware Status Registers. Bit 0 is