
(5) On the modulation meter check that the FM reading is between 47.5 kHz and 52.5 kHz, then
set a reference using the relative function.
(6) Set the function generator to each of the frequencies shown in Table 5-25 checking that the
relative readings on the modulation meter are within specification.
(7) At those frequencies indicated in Table 5-25, set the modulation meter LF output control to
mid-position and measure the AF distortion on the audio analyzer, checking that the results
are within specification.
0 Hz (DC)
To measure the FM deviation at DC, it will be necessary to use the DC offset facility on the
function generator proceeding as follows:
(8) Set the function generator to +1.4142 V DC (temporarily connect the function generator
output to the DVM and set this voltage as close as possible to +1.4142 V).
(9) Press CARRIER ERROR on the modulation meter.
(10) Set the function generator to 1.4142 V DC (temporarily connect the function generator
output to the DVM and set this voltage as close as possible to 1.4142 V).
(11) Measure the frequency indicated on the modulation meter carrier frequency window.
FM1 _____
(12) Reset the function generator to 1V RMS, 1 kHz sine wave and measure the FM deviation.
FM2 _____
(13) Using the following formula, calculate the change in response checking that the result is
within the specification shown against 0 Hz in Table 5-25.
External FM frequency response (ALC on)
Test procedure
(1) Connect the test equipment as shown in Fig. 5-8.
(2) On the UUT set:
Carr Freq 15 MHz
RF Level 0 dBm
Mod Mode FM External
FM1 Level 10 kHz
Source On
Mod On
ALC coupling
(3) Set the function generator to give 0.75 V RMS, 1 kHz sine wave.
(4) On the modulation meter select CAL, FM, 10 Hz
Þ 300 kHz filter.
(5) On the modulation meter check that the FM reading is between 9.5 kHz and 10.5 kHz, then
set a reference using the relative function.
(6) Set the function generator to each of the frequencies shown in Table 5-26 checking that the
relative readings on the modulation meter are within specification.
(7) Set the function generator to 1.25 V RMS and repeat (4) to (6) using Table 5-27, also
measuring the AF distortion on the audio analyzer at those frequencies indicated.