With the ISM4 powered up and with the IR Emitters attached to the devices to be controlled, program the ISM4 as
NOTE: Unless instructed to press a button for a specific duration a button press should be at most one full
IMPORTANT NOTE: If programming the ISM4 so the System Reference Device (Source 1) will be turned
ON and OFF with its native remote or other system controller, the programmer must ensure that the Power
command (if present) be placed in Command Structure number 1. This applies to both the ON and OFF macros.
This requirement is imposed on Source 1 ONLY. Refer to the “Sense In” section for further details.
If there are other ‘setup’ commands to be executed as part of the Source 1 ON Macro, (Input, Surround Mode,
Tuner Preset, etc), simply program a delay long enough to allow Source 1 to power up and respond to additional
IR commands. (Step 13 below). Recall that the Delay will be executed regardless of whether or not a Power
Command is present in Command Structure 1.
If any of Sources 2-4 will have ‘setup’ commands included in their ON Macros, be sure to program a delay in the
Source ON Macro, Command Structure 1 that is long enough to allow those Sources to power up and be ready to
respond to additional IR commands.
The following sections mention the ISM4’s time dependent push button function blink patterns. For a detailed
discussion refer to section “Source 1-4 LED’s”. These blink patterns were added to transfer the time keeping
burden away from the programmer and onto the ISM4.
Learn IR
1. Press the Sequence Button for 2 seconds (Indicated by the first blink of the Active Source LED) to enter Edit
Mode. The ISM4 will default to the Source 1 ON Macro. (Source 1 and Program LED’s sold green.)
2. Press the Sequence Button to enter IR Learn Mode for Source 1 ON Macro Command Structure 1. The
Source 1 LED will flash for about 5 seconds. This is the amount of time allowed to teach an IR Command.
3. Position the IR Remote for the System Reference Device (Source 1) directly in front of the IR Learn Window
on the ISM4 (within an inch) and press and hold the ON or Power Button on the remote until the Program
LED flashes green three times. If the Program LED flashes red three times, proceed to Step 9.
4. Press the Test Button and confirm the function of the learned command on Source 1.
5. If Source 1 responded properly to the learned command, press Sequence again to save the command. The
Program LED will flash once. The ISM4 will automatically return to EDIT Mode upon save. To return to Edit
Mode without saving, press the PREV Button. Proceed to Step 11 or 13, as appropriate.
6. If Source 1 did not respond properly to the learned command, press Delete. The ISM4 will automatically go
into IR Learn Mode for the current Command Structure. (Source 1 ON Macro; Command Structure 1)
7. Repeat Steps 3-6 as necessary until the command is learned, tested, confirmed and saved.
8. To add a Delay to Command Structure 1, proceed to Step 13.
IR Learn Error
9. If the Program LED flashed red three times during IR Learn, that indicates a learn error. Press Delete to
remove the bad command from memory.
10. Repeat Steps 2-6 as necessary until the command is learned, tested, confirmed and saved.
No Delay – with additional Command Structures in the Macro
11. If there is no delay required for Command Structure 1, and there is at least one more Command Structure
in the Macro, press "Next" for one second. The Source 1 LED will flash twice indicating the ISM4 is ready to
Learn the IR Command for Command Structure 2. If the ISM4 is pointing to Command Structure 3, the
Source 1 Led will blink 3 times. It will blink 4 times if pointing to Command Structure number 4 and 5 times if
pointing to Command Structure number 5.
12. Repeat Steps 2-9 as necessary until the IR Command for Command Structure 2 is learned, tested,
confirmed and saved.