DELAY In EDIT MODE a press of the DELAY button will cause the ISM4 to enter into DELAY Learn Mode.
This will allow the programmer to program a delay within a particular IR Command Structure,
even if there is no associated IR command in that Command Structure.
SEQUENCE In Edit Mode, with a Source ON or OFF Macro selected, press to initiate the IR Learn Mode.
PREV In Edit Mode press for 5 seconds (Indicated by the second blink of the Active Source LED) at any
time to exit Edit Mode and return to Normal Operating Mode.
IR Learn Mode
Press the Front Panel Buttons and observe the LED’s to program Source ON and OFF Macros as follows:
Figure 11 Front Panel Navigation – IR Learn Mode
TEST In IR Learn Mode press to Test a just learned and unsaved IR Command. The Source LED for
the Macro containing the learned command will flash green. The Program LED will blink once to
indicate that the IR waveform was generated without error. It will blink red otherwise. This does
not indicate that the IR waveform was successful in controlling the Source component. It is simply
an indication of the validity of the IR data. The Program LED will return to its previous state after
the command has been sent. Emitters must be connected to the ISM4 and appropriate Sources to
test IR Commands.
SEQUENCE In IR Learn Mode, press to save a learned and tested IR Command. This action will automatically
exit IR Learn Mode and enter Edit Mode. Recall that full navigation on a Command Structure and
Macro level is permissible in Edit Mode.
DELETE In IR Learn Mode, press to delete a non-functioning, learned but unsaved IR Command. The
ISM4 will automatically go back into Learn Mode to re-learn the command just deleted. (Same
Macro and Command Structure location.) If deleting a Command Structure (saved IR and
Delay) the Program LED will flash green once and return to its previous state. Press Sequence to
re-learn the IR Command for the deleted Command Structure.
DELAY Not used in IR Learn Mode.
PREV In IR Learn a press of the PREV Button will cause the ISM4 to exit IR Learn Mode and enter
Edit Mode.