Menu Item Descriptions
976-0043-01-02 7–13
Menu Item Descriptions
20 Silent Setup Menu
This menu is used only when SILENT is selected in menu 12A Finish
Stage. When the Silent Modeis selected, the charger is turned OFF and
does not supply any charging current to the batteries until certain
conditions based on battery voltage are met.
Silent Modeis defined as no inverting or charging and the input AC (if
available) will pass-through to the output and is recommended for use
only if utility power is the AC source.
When it works This menu provides the settings which will maintain the float voltage on
the batteries by:
• Turning ON the charger when the batteries drain to the level set in
menu 20B Refloat Low VDC.
• Attempts to maintain the battery voltage at the float level by diverting
the excess power to the loads when the battery voltage increases to
the level set in menu 20A Refloat High VDC
The battery voltage can only go above the 20A Refloat High VDC limit
if an external source is used to provide power to the batteries such as a PV
array, wind generator, micro-hydro generator, etc. When this level is met
or exceeded, the unit turns on the charger and directs the excess DC
power to the AC loads and attempts to maintain the battery at the float
voltage level.
Whenever one of these conditions is met, the batteries will be maintained
at the float level for both:
• the period of time set in menu 20D Must Float Time, then
• the level set in menu 20C Float Done Amps AC.
How it works The Silent Mode does not maintain the battery at float voltage all the
time. The battery charger only operates if required and the AC power
from the utility grid is passed through the inverter to the loads 24 hours a
day. This option is recommended only if utility power is the only AC
After the batteries are given a bulk and absorption charge cycle, the
inverter will then go totally silent and will wait for the DC voltage to fall
or until utility power fails. If the battery voltage falls, the inverter will
allow the AC source to recharge the battery. If there is a power outage, the
inverter will perform another bulk and absorption charge cycle and return
to the Silent Mode once the AC source has returned.