Pre-Configuration Planning
976-0043-01-02 2–5
Location Considerations
Dry Inverters contain sophisticated electronic components and should be
located in a well-protected, dry environment away from sources of
fluctuating or extreme temperatures and moisture.
The better the environment, the longer the inverter will last. Consider
installing your inverter in the same type of location in which you would
store high quality electronic equipment of equal value.
Avoid saltwater Exposure to saltwater is particularly destructive and potentially
hazardous. Internal corrosion caused by improper installation may cause
the inverter to prematurely fail and additionally will void the warranty.
Close to battery
Locate the inverter as close to the batteries as possible in order to keep the
battery cable length short. However, note the following warnings and
important notes about inverter location.
RFI Interference Inverters can generate radio frequency interference (RFI). Locate any
sensitive electronic equipment susceptible to RFI as far away from the
inverter as possible. This includes radios and televisions.
Inverters can emit strong electromagnetic fields. This should be
considered when choosing an installation location.
See “FCC Information to the User” on page viii for additional
information regarding RFI requirements.
WARNING: Explosion and Corrosion Hazard
Do not locate the inverter directly above the batteries or in the same compartment
as vented batteries.
Vented batteries generate hydrogen and oxygen, which if accumulated, can be
ignited by an arc caused by connecting the battery cables or switching a relay.
Vented batteries also generate hydrogen-sulfide gas, which is corrosive to
electronic equipment.
Batteries can sometimes release explosive gas, please see the battery
manufacturer’s recommendations for ventilation requirements.
CAUTION: Damage to Inverter
Do not mount the inverter in the same space as the generator. The heat and dust
from the generator can damage the inverter.