
GPIB (XDL 35-5TP only)
The GPIB interface is not isolated; the GPIB signal grounds are connected to the instrument
The implemented subsets are:
SH1 AH1 T6 TE0 L4 LE0 SR1 RL1 PP1 DC1 DT1 C0 E2
The GPIB address is set from the keyboard.
USB (XDL 35-5TP only)
The USB port is connected to instrument ground. It accepts a standard USB cable. The
Windows plug-and-play functions should automatically recognise that the instrument has been
Alarm Outputs
Associated with each main output are recessed 2-pin connectors marked Alarm. These provide
access to an opto-isolated NPN switching transistor, the function of which can be set from the
keyboard, see the Alarms section of this manual.
The maximum operating voltage that can be applied across the terminals is 20VDC and the
maximum sink current for the switch 'closure' is 1mA.
Do not apply external voltages between the terminals exceeding 30VDC.