abort Command that prematurely terminates printing of a job or
execution of a program.
AFP Advanced Function Presentation. An IBM architecture that uses
the all-points-addressable concept to print text and images on a
algorithm A prescribed set of well-defined, unambiguous rules or processes
for the solution of a problem in a finite number of steps.
alignment Relationship between the bottom edge of a character and the
bottom edge of its adjacent right character.
ANSI American National Standard Institute. ANSI-based commands are
those that conform in format and definition to the standards set
by the American National Standard Institute.
APL A Programming Language. Also refers to a symbol set. Fonts
for the APL symbol set can be found in the Xerox MRP Family
coax printers.
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It is a 7-
bit (or 8-bit) coding scheme used for the computer
representation of letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and other
symbols commonly found on a standard typewriter. It also
represents special unprintable characters used by computer
devices, that is, carriage return, line feed, form feed, escape, and
so forth.
ASCII dump Print language selection that produces a hardcopy of the actual
ASCII codes being sent to the printer by its host.
asynchronous Having a variable or random time interval between successive
characters, or events. Transmission in which each character,
work, or small block, is individually synchronized (timed), usually
by the use of start and stop bits. It is referred to as character
framed transmission.
binary Base 2 number system written with the digits “0” or “1.” See bit.