IPDS Intelligent Printer Data Stream. IBM Systems Application
Architecture host-to-printer data stream for advanced function
printing subsystems. It provides an interface to all-points
addressable (APA) printers that make possible the presentation of
pages containing an architecturally unlimited mixture of different
data types: high-quality text, raster image, vector graphics, and
bar code.
IRQ Intervention Required. When a printer fault occurs, the printer
informs the host system of the need for operator intervention by
setting bit 4 of location 0 of the PCIA.
job Set of data, including programs, files, and instructions sent to a
KB Kilobyte. Unit of 1,024 bytes.
landscape Page orientation in which output is printed parallel to the longer
edge of the page. See also portrait.
letter quality Specified by the “standard ribbon“ parameter in the Page
Presentation Media (PPM) DCA command. Used to determine
orientation: when letter quality is requested, the page is printed
portrait rather than in COR, if that is the default tray orientation.
See also COR, draft quality.
line feed (LF) Character that causes the print position to move to the
corresponding position on the next line; the EBCDIC character
<LF> is associated with this character.
logical page size Size of printed text, plus top and left margins. Logical page size
is used in the automatic page orientation algorithm. See also
long-edge binding In this style of binding, the binding margin is along the long
edge of the page, regardless of the orientation of the printed
image. See also binding margin, short-edge binding.
LPI Lines per inch. The printer control panel setting determines the
default LPI, which can be overriden by SCS command from the
LPL Logical Page Length. LPL is determined by the number of lines
on the page (MPL), the lines per inch (LPI) and the top margin.
See also logical page size, LPW.
LPW Logical Page Width. LPW is determined by the number of
characters on a line (MPP), the characters per inch (CPI), and the
left margin. See also logical page size, LPL.
LU1 Logical Unit 1. An SCS device.