EFA Extended Field Attribute. EFAs, which appear in the Extension
Attribute Buffer, modify Field Attributes in the Message Data
Storage Area. EFAs control underlining and use of the base/APL
character set.
embedded commands Control codes within the text of a file.
emulate The ability of a printer to be set up to behave like another printer
in a non-native mode.
error message Message that appears in the display window of the control panel,
or is printed, indicating an error condition in the printer.
escape character E Control code or control character placed in front of a printer
command. An E tells the printer to execute the following
character string rather than print it when in PCL mode.
escape sequence Sequence of characters beginning with an escape code and
comprising a printer command.
FA Field Attribute. Field Attributes that control print or nonprint
attributes in DSC systems.
factory default Settings programmed into the printer before it is shipped. These
settings are in use unless you override them using either the
printer control panel or by sending printer commands.
fixed spacing Font set in which every character cell has the same width. Also
called fixed pitch.
font Collection of characters with a consistent style. Different fonts
can be selected for printing. Fonts can refer to the printer’s
internal fonts, or optional fonts stored on diskettes and
downloaded to the printer.
font characteristics Attributes that control the appearance of a font. These
characteristics include orientation, character height, style, stroke
weight, and typeface.
fontroot Font name without the landscape or portrait (-P or -L) orientation
form feed (FF) Control character that causes the print or display position to
move to the next page; the EBCDIC character <FF> is
associated with this character.
FSL Function Selection via Line. Commands or functions that access
the value-added features, like duplex, paper tray selection, etc.,
of a coax printer. It allows you to set up default interfaces or
change default settings.